WELCOME to our newly redesigned and improved webpage. Alot of things have happened since we first launched this webpage, from the old to the new millenium pushing for a more pro-active stance by the Bar and legal profession as a whole in the "dotcom revolution". The Bar Council itself, under new (and dare we say it, "and youthful") management, has taken a more enlightened view and stance to the new technology, and made "revolutionary" changes to the rules that hinder the use of IT among the profession.
It is surprising that in spite of all the hype, technology really escapes a lot of people! If it is so elusive among the "elite," what hope have the masses?
When people talk of the global village, it is, so long as we do not behave like a frog in the well, and think the sky is all that is viewed from the bottom of the well! Today, with instant information, we will see the events that will impact us on our TV or monitor. Very soon with the convergence of TV and Computer, we will see the events that impact us "live"! In this day and age there is really no excuse for the vast majority to be ignorant or indifferent to the events that are unfolding in the hot-spots of the world. In these pages we are increasingly forced to address the issues in the far corners of the World which will have immediate impact on our lives and our economies. Yet, in the age of Information, don't be surprised if people are still ignorant about the issues, because people basically are not prepared to seek the information, rather expect information to be packaged for them. Quantity does not result in quality!
As we had stated previously, we are moving on, into areas that are more important and probably, provocative! In this day and age, no government or authority can effectively censor and control news and views, and if we fail in our quest for knowledge, information, dissemination and seeking truth, we have but ourselves to blame. The broad pen of censorship can no longer be an effective writ of choice of a repressive government, it is the indifference of the general population that will be the accomplice. We now venture onto new frontiers pushing the envelope of knowledge and information and bring to your attention, the issues and news that impact the profession and the people. We are glad therefore to report that the Government has approved the connection of broadband for the general public, via satellite linkage, this is really one giant step, but the costs is still prohibitive! But, it is a begining! Good luck to those who can afford it! We hope that with this giant step, the Government will allow public installation of Satellite dishes so that the IT world will really be open to all, and cheaply. It has the added incentive with your own access to Bloomberg, BBC World and MTV. For more information you may access direct to the website of one of its agents in Penang: Computer Centre:CANET
Let Penang, continue to Lead!
We welcome your contribution, which can take the form of response to the visitor's book or by e-mail or even snail mail, so don't hold back. We wish to thank the support of our many surfers.


Quote: "The true test of civilization is, not the census, nor the size of cities, nor the crops -no, but the kind of men the country turns out." Emerson


A little poetry contribution from our resident poet-"If only Cecil were a tree"

in Transition
Conversations In A Taxi
People Power? You ain't seen nothing yet!
Anwar Amendments

A Bridge Of No Return

Data Protection Act

Middle East & Oil

Crocodile Tears


  • Personal Hotlist: Bar Council Malaysia, Website. Internet for Lawyers
  • The Singapore Law Society The Law Society,UK The American Bar Association Law Net THEMIS Penang Bar Website.
    Quid Pro Quo (Law Outlines) EXDEBITO (controversial articles) Yeap & Co Inner Temple

  • Coffee Shop TALK (Message Board)

    Webmaster: GG Yeap
    Assistant Webmaster: Ms.Sulynn Yeap

  • E-mail Address: ggyeap@hotmail.com